HIRES Graphics on Apple II
In 1977, the Apple II was the very first personal computer providing color graphics capabilities with its LORES and HIRES modes. This feat was achieved in a very clever, but peculiar way. -
Coding in Assembly for an Apple II
Programming the Apple II in assembly provides a huge speed advantage over C. What is my workflow and do I debug? -
Coding in C for an 8 bit 6502 CPU
The 6502 was one of the most prevalent 8 bit CPU of the 80s. Is it possible to code for it in plain C, in order to avoid the assembly stuff? -
Shadow and the future of Cloud Computing
The Parisian startup Blade promises to revolutionize Cloud Gaming with it's Shadow. I could test the service and ask technical questions to the developers. -
Apple IIe: Fabrication d'un câble pour Le Chat Mauve
Le "Chat Mauve" était une carte d'extension permettant d'obtenir une image couleur sur les télé munies d'une prise PERITEL. Voici comment refabriquer un câble. -
Apple IIe: réparation de l'alimentation
Après 40 d'inutilisation, les alimentations d'Apple II ont tendance à tomber en panne. Voici comment remplacer les condensateurs fautifs sur les modèles Européens. -
A very simple threading library
Using a thread safe deque to build a very simple threading library that can be used to send workloads and messages to multiple threads. -
Wrapping std::deque to make it thread safe
A detailed guide on hoaw to wrap around std::deque to make it thread safe. The precepts presented here can be reused with other classes of the STL. -
How to Sync Lightroom between two computers
How to synchronize Lightroom classic's photos and catalogs between two or more computers without subscribing to any cloud provider, including Adobe's own solutions. -
Hosting a private VoIP server on a Raspberry Pi
Hosting a murmur / mumble voip server on a Raspberry Pi. -
Yet Another Password Generator
Passwords are weak unless randomly generated. My open-source password generator can help you in that regard. -
Creating and uploading a new Debian/Ubuntu package from a Qt project
Developing a Qt application for Ubuntu is nice. Publishing it so it becomes available to apt-get is a big plus. This post will guide yout step by step.