About Me

Hi there, my name is Christophe Meneboeuf.
I started with computers around 1983 when my father bought an Apple //e for his work. I spent many hours gaming, and also did a bit of programming in Applesoft BASIC.
At the end of the 80s I became a PC user, still gaming and programming. This time in Quick Basic and Turbo Pascal. I never owned a 16-bit console or home computer, although I craved for an Amiga. I was fascinated by the demos running on the machine demonstrating its capabilities. Many years later, the first "retro" machine I bought was an Amiga 500.
After a specialization in embedded software engineering, I worked many years for a defense contractor. Nowadays, I am in the video game industry, contributing to emulation projects.
During my free time, I code for various personal projects, some of them mentioned in this blog.
I also have a passion for photography and travels. You can see my pictures from various places around the world at https://www.xtof.photo.
Social networks
Other websites
- https://www.xtof.photo: photographs from around the world. Generated with EZWebGallery, my web-gallery generator.
- http://www.space-battle.com: a Star Wars and Wing Commander inspired 3D short movie I produced a long time ago, from 1998 to 2001.
My collection
I collect many old machines that I try to maintain in working condition. Most are from the 8-bit and 16-bit eras, spanning from the mid 80s to the mid 90s.Home computers
- Amiga 500
- Amstrad CPC 6128
- Apple IIe
- Atari Falcon 030
- PC 486 DX2/66
Home consoles
- NEC PCEngine + cdrom2
- Microsoft Xbox
- Nintendo Gamecube
- Nintendo SNES
- Sega Megadrive
- Sony Playstation
- Vectrex
- Nec PcEngine GT
- Nintendo Game & Watches
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Nintendo Game Boy Color
- Nintendo Game Boy Micro
- Sega Game Gear